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Morning sickness

It is common to feel ill when you are pregnant. It is also common to vomit. Although it is painful to feel sick and vomit, it is not harmful, either for you who are pregnant or for the fetus. The fetus still gets the nutrition it needs.

A few are vomited so much that it is called extreme pregnancy sickness or hyperemesis pregnancy room. You may need hospital care if you get extremely pregnant.


Many people feel sick at certain times during the day, but some feel sick all the time. It is common for the nausea to be made worse by certain smells. It is also common to vomit, but the nausea when you are pregnant differs from a normal stomach ailment .

When and where should I seek care?

Contact a midwife if you have a lot of trouble or lose weight.

Seek care directly at a health care center or emergency room if you vomit so much that you get dry in your mouth, have difficulty peeing and feel dizzy.

What can I do for myself?

There is nothing that will certainly help with pregnancy sickness. But there are things you can try that can help. Taking it easy and avoiding stress can be good. It can also help to eat something before you get up in the morning.

Drink well with fluid, especially if you vomit frequently. You can try drinking on occasions other than when eating.

It can help to eat cooked food without strong spices and to eat a little but often. Avoid overly fatty foods that slow down the stomach.

For snacks it may be good to eat something with carbohydrates, such as fruit or sandwich.


There is no drug specifically for pregnancy sickness, but there are drugs that can help. For example, some feel better about medicines for motion sickness. When you are pregnant, you should always be careful about medicines. Talk to a doctor, midwife or pharmacist. Here you can read more about medicines during pregnancy and breastfeeding .

Some feel better about acupuncture . 

In case of extreme pregnancy sickness, you may need nutritional solution via drip. Some may need to be on sick leave.

What happens in the body?

Most often, the nausea comes at the beginning of pregnancy and for many it usually goes over. Most often, it goes over at some point around pregnancy week 20. It is hormones that cause many pregnant women to feel sick. How much the hormones affect varies from person to person.

Other things can also affect your nausea. You often feel worse if you are tired, stressed or empty in your stomach.

Extreme pregnancy sickness

A few pregnant women get extreme pregnancy sickness or hyperemesis pregnancy. In extreme pregnancy sickness you are very nauseated, often throughout the day. You may vomit so much that you become dehydrated. It can be difficult to get food and drink and you can also lose weight.

Then you may need hospital care and get nutritional solution via drip.

The extreme nausea usually gets better during pregnancy. Often, the problems around pregnancy week 20 ease, but some feel ill throughout pregnancy.

The nausea and vomiting do not affect the baby negatively, but it can be very painful for you who are pregnant. For some, the trouble can make the pregnancy feel like a torment. It may feel better to talk to someone about the trouble, such as a midwife.

Being close to someone with pregnancy sickness

As a relative, you may feel powerless. It can be difficult to understand how pregnancy sickness feels and how it works, what helps and does not. Talk to the pregnant person and see what you can do to help.

Influence and participate in your care

You can  seek care at any health center or open specialist clinic  you want throughout the country.

You should understand the information

In order for you to be involved in your care and treatment, it is important that you  understand the information you receive  from the healthcare staff. Ask questions if you don't understand. For example, you should get information about treatment options and  how long you may have to wait for care and treatment .


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