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Weight gain during pregnancy

Many women ask themselves how much they should go up during pregnancy. Being aware of the factors that affect weight gain will help you take the necessary precautions to ensure a healthy pregnancy for you and your baby.

Weight gain during pregnancy is one of several factors that the midwife notices. Gaining too much or too little weight can be an early sign of some health problems.

However, there is no standard for every pregnant woman. Like many other factors, weight gain during pregnancy varies widely between women.

So try not to focus too much on how much you gain during pregnancy. Instead, pay attention to what foods you eat.

Your diet during pregnancy affects your own as well as your baby's health.

Weight gain during pregnancy

There are some common beliefs about weight gain during pregnancy, some more true than others. One factor that is important is the woman's weight at the time she becomes pregnant.

Both obesity and underweight can be risk factors in pregnancy. Women who are very underweight or overweight need to pay extra attention to the diet in order to avoid risks to fetal health .

Other factors that play a role in weight gain during pregnancy are fluid retention and diet , as well as the following:

  • How much the fetus weighs
  • Weight of placenta
  • Foster fluid
  • How much uterus grows
  • Blood flow
  • The importance of breast tissue and fat layer

How much should I go up during pregnancy?

It will differ greatly from woman to woman. Every body and every pregnancy is unique.

However, the normal range is between 11 and 16 kg for women who are of normal weight.

Some women strive to progress gradually according to the following schedule:

  • During the first three months: from ½ to 2½ kg
  • During the second trimester: 3-5 kg
  • During the last trimester: ½ kg per week

Pregnant women who are underweight in early pregnancy should put on more weight, up to about 18 kg.

At the same time, those who are overweight need only go up 7-11 kg. Finally, women suffering from obesity should aim for an increase of between 5 and 9 kg.

Weight gain during pregnancy should come from a healthy diet that provides all the nutrients the mother and baby need.

How should a pregnant woman eat?

When you find out that you are pregnant, you must follow a healthy and balanced diet. In general, dietitians recommend that you increase your calorie intake as follows:

During the first trimester: Eat about the same amount of calories as you did before you became pregnant.
During the second trimester: Eat 300 extra calories a day.
During the third trimester: your calorie intake should increase by about 500 calories in total.

The diet should be accompanied by moderate daily physical activity, depending on how far into the pregnancy you are.

Instead of eating more than you did before, try eating nutritious foods such as dairy products and foods rich in protein. These nutrients play an important role in the development of the fetus.

"Weight gain during pregnancy should come from a healthy diet that provides all the nutrients the mother and baby need."

Manage weight gain during pregnancy

In order to avoid the anxiety that may accompany weight gain during pregnancy, it is important to maintain control while you are putting on weight .

To do this effectively, here are some tips to keep in mind:

Balanced diet

Reduce saturated fats and increase your consumption of omega-3, a fatty acid found in fish, nuts and flax seeds.

It will help your baby grow and promote the development of the central nervous system.

"Knowing how much weight you should put on during pregnancy helps you take steps to reduce the risks."

Medical checks

A monthly medical checkup allows your obstetricians to monitor the development of the fetus and ensure that you eat a healthy diet .

Your midwife also takes your blood pressure and checks if your body maintains high water weight.

Eat a little and often

Eating a healthy snack in the morning and one in the afternoon reduces hunger. Within reasonable limits, snacks can reduce overeating and help you avoid excessive weight gain during pregnancy.

Try to drink two liters of water a day. Avoid pre-packaged juices and sodas, which often contain large amounts of sugar.

As long as you are in a healthy state of health, physical activity is also important during pregnancy. Hiking, water aerobics or other moderate exercise under the supervision of a specialist is ideal.

Knowing how much weight you should put on during pregnancy helps you take steps to reduce the risks.

Remember that you are eating for your child as well as yourself .


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